Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Put down the party hat

As we suspected, we didn't really graduate from physical therapy. Good thing I didn't order that cake (and good thing I did drink the champagne!).

On Monday our pediatrician recommended (or maybe just agreed with me) that we should continue the weekly physical therapy at the hospital. While I'm happy about this and know that it will help Dylan, I'm sure he won't be very happy when we walk back into the hospital next week. He's reached that age where he can begin to remember things - especially those things that he doesn't like. And saying that he doesn't like physical therapy is putting it mildly. I keep thinking/hoping that since his muscles are getting looser he'll begin to enjoy it a little more. But that's just rookie mom talk. He hates it. End of story. Other parents that have gone through torticollis and plagio say that the physical therapy is the most important part ... so I'll continue to be mean mommy and take him to PT and do the stretches daily at home. He'll thank us someday. Right?

Now, where's that champagne?


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