Monday, June 05, 2006

Step 2 in the process

The next step is to go back to Miami on June 12 for the first fitting ... this is the day that Dylan will get his helmet and we'll finally be on the road to recovery. We're very anxious about this (at least I am) and also a little nervous.

At that appointment we'll find out how frequently we have to go back for fittings. It's typically every 7-10 days for infants his age. They grow so quickly that the helmets need to be readjusted to make sure they're applying pressure in the right spots and providing enough room for the head to "fill out" in other spots. You can wear a helmet up to 4 months ... yes, trips to Miami every 7-10 days for 4 months. I almost can't even believe it.

Also, at our initial appointment we learned that due to the severity of Dylan's plagio he is a candidate for a second helmet. It sounds like we may need to go longer than the initial 4 months. Dylan's gonna be a road warrior by the time he's one.

We're now beginning to work through the logistical issues of how we're going to manage this. We've learned about an amazing organization call Angel Flight America. It's a network of pilots who volunteer their time & planes to fly people in need of medical assistance to wherever their hospital/clinic is located. We're not sure if they will work out for all of the appointments, but it would certainly help to supplement some commercial flights with some Angel Flights.

Driving isn't an option for us - it's 8 hours one way and Dylan really struggles being in the carseat for that long. Who can blame him? I struggle, too.


At 7:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there guys! Very good use of technology to help us stay informed. I appreciate you taking the time to input all the info.
Dylan's a Jaynes, and that's a tough breed. I'm sure that he'll be fine, but I know how difficult it must be for you two to go through all of this. He (and you two) are always in our minds and hearts.


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